Tuesday, September 8, 2009


There is a law in Michigan which mandates that public schools may not begin their school year prior to Labor Day. When the law was enacted, it was estimated that this longer tourism season, coupled with businesses having student employees around for a longer season, would generate approximately 10 million extra tax revenue dollars. To date, there has been no proof whatsoever that the added money has ever materialized for the state. One columnist has asked if the researcher who came up with this great money-making plan also has a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.

Nevertheless, Labor Day is over and today is the day.

Godspeed, my children.


Unknown said...

It's the same way here...never school until after Labor Day.

I hope you all have a great first day of school.

T said...

We've been back in the race for a week, so I'm dealing with the "wish it had been a longer weekend" syndrome.

Hope the kiddo's have a wonderful first day!

LadyFi said...

We've been back two weeks now.

Hope all went well today!

I Am Woody said...

Poor kids around these parts have been back to school since the end of July!! Seriously!!

Evansmom said...

We are usually after Labor Day but every 5 or 6 years, they start the week before. My son went to school Wednesday and Thursday and then had Friday and Monday off. Not sure they got much done last week. :)

Lucy and Ethel said...

In the olden days, we started after Labor Day, which seems so late now. School here in the NC mountains has been going on a MONTH.

I imagine the students here would prefer the Michigan school calendar :)

Hope everyone has a great first day!


Busy Bee Suz said...

We are into our third week already. That tourism thing? crazy.
I hope all goes smoothly for them all!

Jeannelle said...

Blessings to the Gillim kids in their new school year! May it be a good one!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Yep my Little T got on the bus in the pouring down rain! Sixth grade..here I come again!

betty said...

wishing your children a fantastic school year with great teachers and a desire to learn and be all they can!!

our school district started 8/12 and they get out second week of June; they have 2 months of summer vacation, but get 2 weeks at Thanksgiving, 5 weeks at Christmas, 3 weeks for spring break; I kind of like that in that the kids often get bored that third month of summer vacation

when mine were in school, they always started the last Wednesday of August which was always hot weather; I often wished they would start after Labor Day when it would cool down a bit


Decadent Housewife said...

Today's the day!

Reddirt Woman said...

Don't you wish they'd follow up with a report to tell you that it did or did not work?


Lawyer Mom said...

We're already in week 3. How'd you last so long? ; )

joanne said...

same here but now we are in a teachers strike so I don't know when all the little darlings will be heading back!

claudia said...

They are having the kids here start schoool earlier and earlier every year now. It seems that they start in the middle of August. They still let out in the middle of June! Well, then they get a week off for winter, a week off for Spring, President's Week off, teacher's in service days. I still don't think there's enough school days. And we are running out of money here in CA! The schools are getting hit the hardest, and they aren't the best schools in the nation, not even towards the top anymore.
I am so happy that you and Keith have joined WW! I think you will both be really happy with it. I kind of messed up my program this weekend. We took a spontaneous trip to my Dad's cabin at Clearlake. I did fine at the cabin, but we left right after work on Sunday and had to stop for dinner on the way...that's something I need to work on. Then of course there was the trip home. It's okay, if I gained I gained, but if I lost that would be better!
Keep me posted on how you are doing. I am so glad I could help encourage you to start!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

I hope they had a great day!!!!

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

Seems so strange to me--we have been in school 3 weeks here!

Mrs4444 said...

For the same reason, Wisconsin picked September 1st. I'm grateful, since Labor Day was so incredibly late this year!