
Boy Scout camping:
9th grade homecoming. Our district has separate buildings for the ninth graders. (I love that concept!) Our school discouraged dates and limos. In other words, it was a really pressure-free, fun dance. And even better? Our tired girl got up Sunday morning to read the scripture lesson at church. She's a great public reader!
And church:
Checkered getting ready to race our pastor. We (meaning Checkered and the kids) won!
I'm not sure if they were frogs or Israelites trying to get out of Egypt. Checkered might or might not have thrown in a few elbows on the turn.
Our prizes for winning? A frog. Yep. We now have a frog.
The rest of the prize: a plague survival kit (Calamine lotion, insect repellent, a flashlight, et cetera.)
After church: Lunch with our favorite youth pastors!
And then there was the activity of Sunday afternoon and evening: setting up a frog tank, watching the Lions get their first win in 20 games (!!!!), choir practice, yard work, and school bags packed.
I need it to be Friday already.
Wow, I am tired just reading about it! I hope your week is more restful!
You really had me wondering when is Friday? I have a different workweek than you and I just experienced my "Friday". I had to take a few minutes to figure out when Friday would be here. Plus it's early, really early in the morning, coffee's not quite brewed yet.
I hope your week is calm and fast, so you get another chance at a restful weekend soon!
I need a nap now. And I am so happy for your Lions!
I'm going to echo that.....
But, busy aside - it looks like you all had a wonderful weekend!
What a wonderful weekend! Even if it ran you ragged. BTW - your daughter is stunning. Better get your stick ready;)
Your weekend not only exhausted YOU, but now I am a bit tired as well.
Hoping your week flies by and your weekend coming up will crawl.
WOW, You guys are some busy folks!
And daughter is a beauty queen! I thought things were busy at my place but you have me beat Caution!
You can pack more into a weekend than I pack into a year! I'm exhausted and need a nap and it's still morning! Your daughter is beautiful! race watching? Hang in there can do this!
that does sound like a busy fun weekend! I like the concept of the 9th grade and the dance; hate all the fuss (and money) sometimes put into dances; prom yes, but not every other dance in one's academic years
does the frog have a name yet? I'm thinking Moses might be a good name for it
Boy, I was exhausted reading this, and I was exhausted before!
Your daughter is gorgeous! My husband teaches at a school where the 9th grade has its own building, and that's where he is this year. It's been interesting :)
I haven't heard about a separate homecoming, although what a great idea!!! I cringed when I took our daughter to the 8th grade dance years ago - limos, grown-up dresses, etc. What do they do for high school proms??? And their wedding?
Outta my league.
Busy weekends are fun, but they get in the way of relaxing sometimes, don't they?
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