Thanks, once again, to our hostess, Mrs. 4444, who never insists on being the center of attention although she so deserves to be there :)

~My 8 am class always starts with the same student sneezing 4 or 5 times. The first couple of sneezes generate a chorus of "Bless you!" but the last couple of sneezes get one or two straggling blessings. It's so obvious that the blesser just really feels obligated by that point.
~I still can't decide what to give up for Lent. I seriously thought about Facebook since it does take time away from what I SHOULD be doing. Did you give up anything?
~Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief is a very good movie. Pretty, interesting, fun. My son liked it. I liked it. How often does that happen?
~My 8 am class always starts with the same student sneezing 4 or 5 times. The first couple of sneezes generate a chorus of "Bless you!" but the last couple of sneezes get one or two straggling blessings. It's so obvious that the blesser just really feels obligated by that point.
~I still can't decide what to give up for Lent. I seriously thought about Facebook since it does take time away from what I SHOULD be doing. Did you give up anything?
~Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief is a very good movie. Pretty, interesting, fun. My son liked it. I liked it. How often does that happen?
~I've become a mall walker. Interpret that how you will.
~For all the safety precautions schools have taken to protect students, things like harassment are very difficult to prove and many times the school's intervention can do more to hurt the victims than to help. There really has to be a better way.
~For all the safety precautions schools have taken to protect students, things like harassment are very difficult to prove and many times the school's intervention can do more to hurt the victims than to help. There really has to be a better way.
~I keep waking up in the morning with tiny scratches on my face and I fear I've contracted violent sleepitis. It's going to be such a bother if I have to sew those little baby mittens on all my pajamas.
~After five years, my boss recognizes me now when he sees me!!!! At some point soon I'm sure he will call me by the right name, too.
~My youngest child wore 9 shirts to bed the other night because he liked the way the multiple shirts made him look muscular. He ended up liking the comfort of the shirts so much that for the last two days he has been wearing 16 shirts. That he can move and hasn't lost circulation is amazing.
~After five years, my boss recognizes me now when he sees me!!!! At some point soon I'm sure he will call me by the right name, too.
~My youngest child wore 9 shirts to bed the other night because he liked the way the multiple shirts made him look muscular. He ended up liking the comfort of the shirts so much that for the last two days he has been wearing 16 shirts. That he can move and hasn't lost circulation is amazing.
~A little poll: how many times would you allow me someone to mistype their password before you locked me them out of the work computer system for a day? Then again, I don't know anyone would make that many typos. Do you?
Sometimes I wear that many layers too!
I gave up healthy living for Lent. So now I'm all about the booze, smokes, gambling, rowdy friends, ....
I gave up soda! It is already tough.
I gave up not giving anything up this year. Seriously, I suck. I didn't even think about it. One I could not give up though would be my Facebook. I would have to go through detox for that. It would be scary bad!
I love the muscles!! Too cute!
I wish schools would figure out a better way to handle harassment too. It's quite frustrating that they have taken extensive measures against everything else, but haven't figured this one out.
Have a great weekend!!
My oldest daughter taught elementary school for about 5 years before becoming a SAHM. She has some real stories about parents.
Ah yes, the wanna be stronger and impress everyone phase. Having been a boy, I can relate. Trust me, he will grow out of it. ( Get it? ) I just kill myself.
Multiple sneezers are just looking for attention. My Bless You giving ends at three.
Being a mall walker is better than a street walker.
If he wears 16 shirts to bulk up, then I wil be naked, so I can bulk DOWN!
I am giving up this cough and sore throat. Shouldn't be too hard to stick to that!
We wear so many layers, but because it's soooo cold!
I didn't give up anything for lent this year...actually I don't think I ever have. I suck at Lent. Although I fortunately did not give the lady at Target a weird look when I saw she had dirt on her head on Wednesday luckily my brain registered that it was Ash Wednesday before my "why the heck is dirt on your head" look came out. Shew!
Visiting thru Mrs 444's~ I didn't give up anything for Lent, but my 14 yr old daughter gave up soda. We will see how she does, I am sure I will do a FF about it! LOL
HA, Ha, that second commenter cracked me up. My five yo is going through a miulti layer stage- I fear she is going to overheat and dehydrate in her sleep so I limit her to two. ;)
i would soooo love to give up snow and four wheeling out of my drive way for lent. but i need help from a higher power. guess i will just think about what i can give instead.
your kid is a genius!
Love the Fruit of the Loom pudge, haha.
LOVED the fragment about the mittens on the jammies-still smiling from that one...
I miss you. Wish we were neighbors.
LOVE your profile pic.
Giving up FB for Lent. Hm. I haven't taken the time to pic something yet. That's a great idea. I'll have to think about it.
Boys are so funny!
Didn't give anything up for lent
Visiting from Friday Fragments
The boss is only allowed one typo/mistake when trying to call up your name.
The computer must allow at least six or seven tries to account for one's anger over the boss not remembering one's name. 25 times depending on the time of the month.
Your son is so cute... and so funny! 16 shirts?!! Haha!
Nine shirts to bed? Way to go... but perhaps a bit hot!
How's the laundry in your house now?
I had a friend post on facebook, "For Lent, I have given up." You could try that. :)
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