I have short hair. Very short. My coiffure demands tremendous attention: body-building shampoo, no conditioner, no product. It probably doesn't need a hair dryer, but the rest of me does after a shower.
The drying part is equally as elaborate. I hold my head upside down and hop from one foot to the other for five minutes or until my hair is kinda/sorta dry or I have a heart attack.
Last Friday, just before a committee meeting at work, my hair dryer started to glow and then it imploded necessitating a quick trip to Walmart.
My new hair dryer cost $13 and has many upscale features. I can dry my hair with cool or warm or hot air. I can also call upon a snowflake setting to hold my hair, if so desired.

The air flow can be low or high and that choice determines what sport I pretend to play while my hair is drying. The low setting dictates that I act as though I'm a cross country skier. The high setting (and the hopping from foot to foot) are more attuned to mogul skiing.
There is even a top secret setting which purports to make my short hair softer and glossier.

That was probably on the $18 dryer. Shoot.
I just got a new one a couple weeks ago...All the settings are a bit overboard. Just dry my hair please.
Hi, just found you on SITS.
Geez, i didn't know that having a short hair is as difficult as having long hair. I was thinking of having a haircut because my hair is taking me alot of time and effort to manage it.talking about the shampoos and conditioners, the curlers, the straighteners, and the lists goes on.....
A towel dries and covers gray.
All I want is a personal hairdresser that will come to my house daily and style my hair. I don't ask for much:)
Ha Ha Ha!!! This is so funny.
and it just goes to show you...you get what you pay for.
Next time, upgrade $$$$!
When I was young, I imagined that my gray would come in beautifully and if I didn't want GRAY then I could simply use a box of blonde and POOF! instant highlights.
No one told me the gray would come in one clump on the right side of my head.
I have very thin short and straight hair so it takes merely five minutes to dry. After a lifetime of curling and coloring I'm not covering my gray anymore either. It's back to my roots ;-) for me!
I look in the hat section, myself.
What ever happened to just on or off?
Hi, saw you on SITS! It sounds like we have the same hair!
Make that - buy three.... one for you, for Betty and one for me!
If only ionizers could zap those dreaded grays.
Ha Ha....love it!!!! But that ion feature is great! I totally notice the difference now!
As for that other church - yes, we will stop back. We are hoping to go to the weekly Bible study. It is just 4 or 5 people, but it is so different from our very big church. So, I think we'll like this! :)
You'll have to let me know when you find a hair dryer that does all of the above! I'd also like to request a feature that styles it perfectly every time, without having to contort my body into bizarre positions to get just the right angle with my rolly-brush (I'm sure there's a technical term for that, but I'm beauty-impaired).
*snort! let me know when you find that dryer. I REALLY need one =)
:) Funny.
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