Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Facebook, Caution, and God

Deciding what to give up for Lent this year was a difficult decision. Donuts? Done that. Fast food? Done it. Television? The newspaper? Flirting? Yes, yes, yes. This year I really wanted my Lenten "fasting" to be more meaningful, so I gave up Facebook.

I thought maybe I was in love with Facebook. Through it I have found high school classmates, former neighbors, and some of my dearest college friends. I've gotten to be much better friends with some people from my own neighborhood, too. So checking FB multiple times each day brought immense pleasure to me and would surely be meaningful as a Lenten offering.

The first few FB-less days were hard. What if someone sent me a friend request? What if Jennifer posted pix of her first photo exhibit (or the subsequent SECOND one!!)?? What if Lady Fi offered some of her sage advice about life or my last long-lost college friend decided to find me?

But something interesting has happened. The time I was spending "quickly" checking my FB has morphed into time my brain can simply think. I'm teaching better, reading more books, and doing a far better job studying for the Sunday school lessons I write.

This week, instead of checking my FB page a dozen times a day, I've been reading these verses and trying to see what they mean in my life:
If anyone boasts, "I love God," and goes right on hating his brother or sister, thinking nothing of it, he is a liar. If he won't love the person he can see, how can he love the God he can't see? The command we have from Christ is blunt: Loving God includes loving people. You've got to love both. 1 John 4:20,21

In some ways, it would have been easier all the way around to have given up pizza.


T said...

So proud you've done this - but I will admit that I miss you!

When you come back there will be photos from my art class for you to peruse (and there are a few on my blog now).

Anonymous said...

Well done you! OK - you've missed my words of wisdom (,-)) but it sounds as if you are making your own!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i sure miss you there... and truth be known if i were working out side the house i would not be onface crack and would not be able to keep up with blogs either... both are wonderful time consuming things that fit wonderfully in my world right now... and in many ways I dread the fast approaching day that they wont fit :(
Love the verse and will study it because for the first time in my life i have found a reason that i have justified in my own life and mind to really really dislike a person or several that i do not know...and i am not sure i can ever over come that... and the thought of eternity in hell bothers me in ways i can not begin to explain... sigh.

Cara said...

Dropping by from SITS...good for you giving up FB. Not sure I could do that a matter fact I am off to look now...haha

Have a great day!

Jennifer Warthan said...

I get to call Facebook "work" - marketing, you know. But miss you on there, no doubt!

You haven't missed anything from me though - I've put more on my blog about the gallery than on FB.

I Am Woody said...

I don't think I could give up FB. Or pizza. Or donuts....

Busy Bee Suz said...

Good for you. Looks like you found something better to do. But please, PLEASE don't ever give up blogging!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I'm with BBS, dont ever give up blogging. You are such a good and intertaining writer! You are coming to blogfest to camp with me right?

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

That is the primary reason I have never joined facebook--the time factor! Well, that and I don't really want to reunite with all those people I ditched so long ago...

Big Hair Envy said...

I miss you on FB, but admire what you've done:) That verse is a good reminder for ALL of us....

kim-d said...

I, too, have missed you greatly on FB; I'm thankful you didn't give up blogging, too! I really love 1 John 4:20, 21; thanks for sharing!

Nancy C said...

I struggle with this a lot, too. I appreciate the gentle push to actually take some action.

gina said...

i was over facebook almost as quickly as i had gotten "into" it. but kudos to you for being mindful of your lent choice and opening up yourself to HEAR what God is trying to say to you!

Jo said...

Just stopping by to thank you so much for visiting me on my SITS day last Friday!

So appreciated.

Peace and serenity,
'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'
*This week is 'MS Awareness Week' -- and I'm spreading the word for my friend who is afflicted with MS. Feel free to stop by to see how you can help and to learn more. ::HUGS::

Lee said...

I gave up sex...and I'm Jewish.

Checkered.loves.Caution said...

I love you. That's all I know.

Jen said...

I could easily give up Facebook. I have been lucky that I never got hooked on it. Isn't it nice when you find some much needed extra time to do things that are not only good for you but ones you enjoy as well?

claudia said...

I have FB, but I have never been really active there. (It confuses me for some reason) I would have to be giving up the pizza. That's too easy of one for me, I have only eaten pizza once in the last year! (So I guess that isn't a very good thing to give up for Lent!)

Yankee Girl said...

I am so glad that I have never gotten hooked on FB. Yes, I log in on a daily basis, but I usually only spend about 3-4 minutes on it. There are times when I think I want to get sucked in, then I remember that I want to write, need to do laundry or spend time with my husband.

Good luck on sticking it out!

p.s. I could NEVER give up pizza!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Well done Caution! I don't really go into FB except when I'm out and sitting somewhere waiting on a kid-- I use my phone to check it and that only allows a couple of comments at a time-- but email? Wow. I should give up my addiction to checking my email all day long!

Pizza is not our friend, but I couldn't ever give it up :-)

Jientje said...

Facebook to me is a way to keep in touch with my daughter and her life, so no, I would not be able to give that up. But I think you are very courageous!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Totally, this stuff is addicting! You gave me a good giggle though.

God bless and have a beautiful day!!!

Anonymous said...

My facebook is way out of control. I need to cut back. I love it though.

Mrs4444 said...

Everybody?! Are yousure? Oh, alright!!!! Grrrr