~I work in a building cleverly named H Building, so I spend a lot of time worrying that if someone comes there thinking it's a hospital, I may have to pretend I'm a doctor and treat them.
~It's okay to eat all the cookies as long I bake more before the family arrives home. (They'll never even know)
~Sometimes I'm so overjoyed with the first sentence that someone says, that I don't hear anything else they say. That gets problematic by the end of the conversation.
~When I walk between the projector and the screen at work, I always sometimes slow down to study my silhouette - even as I continue to lecture. I just act like it's taking me a really long time to read the words.

~Since I can't love Facebook right now, here are some other things that make me smile:
wind chimes
beaded necklaces
~Virginia may be for lovers but it's clearly also for wonderful bloggers.
~I am not from Virginia so I have no idea how that last one got in this post.
~I always schedule my posts to publish at 6:06 because that's my parents' area code.
~I just can't bring myself to brush my dog's teeth even though her breath is a tad malodorous. Okay fine, it's overwhelming.
~I spend more days calling out to my children as they leave for school, "Don't call home, okay?" than I do calling, "Love you!"
~My favorite blogging days are the group days:
The Happiness Project on Tuesdays at Leigh vs. Laundry,
Three Thing Thursdays at Chesapeake Bay Woman
And the thought that most alarms me is:
~I may have given my son my glorious math ability. Some of his work:
2. 7
$ .77
+ 4.74
5. 4
I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet.
I would think the same thing abut that H!! It's even blue.
I spend more days calling out to my children as they leave for school, "Don't call home, okay?" than I do calling, "Love you!"...LMAO! And your kids has mad math sillz like mine!
I think if anyone came into the H building claiming a need for medical attention, a cookie from your second batch would do wonders :)
While it looks like we might not be able to field a math department, remember that a little humor goes a long way in healing. And that's good for something.
Maybe another cookie???
So funny.
I bet you could pass as a Dr. AND figure out where your neck went.
Your Fragments always make me laugh...thanks for sharing your wacky self with us.
Suzy Sunshine. (I may not be from Virginia, but I am from the sunny state. of. mind)
You have some very interesting fragments. I've been there with the very first thing said to me too. While I'm still processing that first sentence, I'm missing everything else they're saying. I just nod politely.
Math was never my strong suit in school, but for some reason I got much better at it after school and no longer actually had to learn it. Go figure.
I always enjoy your FF! And I have lost my neck in the last few months. But I did gain a gobbler! I dont think I like it! Virginia is for Lovers and Bloggers!
I think you are the very best Friday Fragmenter ever!
Your lack of a neck reminded me of a neighbor kid from when I was a teenager. He was a little kid, but a brat of the highest order. He resembled TweedleDum/TweedleDee in "Alice in Wonderland." His name was Damon, but we called him "The No-Neck Monster" because he, too, appeared to have no neck.
For some reason, that story was funnier when it was in my head! Sorry! :)
I love that you watch your sillouette! That is so funny. And I sometimes play like I'm a doctor, only in my mind. :-)
I think everyone does that with their silhouette. I know that I do!
My windchimes are down. Apparently I hung them in a realy windy place and that ringing just about drove me bonkers. I plan on finding a less-windy spot to hang them this weekend:)
Your Friday Fragments always make me laugh... Oh, by the way - I think I detected a bit of a neck in that photo... ;-)
Great frags!
Visiting from FF's at Mrs. 444's
I love wind chimes too. I saw a set today that I want...it's a big cross with purple beads..gorgeous!
Give your dog those greenie chews. They do the brushing for you.
Love your fragments! So clever.
Get the kids to brush the dog's teeth! That is why you had kids, right?!
That silhouette cracked me up! I love it. You're so silly....
You definitely have a neck, you must have been sitting in a chair that was too high, so you were adjusting it accordingly. (Your neck.)
But either way, this made me laugh, heartily.
THANK YOU for the mention on my Thursday Insanity.
Speaking of insanity, you are coming to Blog Fest, right?
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