Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happiness Found Here

Most nights, after the household has quieted down and Checkered is drifting in and out of consciousness on the couch, my middle-aged body enters this middle-aged body:

There is something magical and soothing about painfully hot water, and I find that anxieties and restlessness are more easily chased away afterward.

As lovely as that is, what makes me really happy is that under the cloak of a long, dark winter, a swimsuit is entirely optional.

For more ideas of where people find happiness, visit Leigh. Like right now, okay?



Jennifer Warthan said...

And he STILL drifts in and out of conciousness??

Just kidding! I've been married for longer than six months so I know. :)

Lucy and Ethel said...

In our last house, with promise of a good income, we finished the basement of our house and splurged on a 5-person spa. LOVED IT.

Now, in our old farmhouse, we're just happy the indoor plumbing was added before we moved in....


Mental P Mama said...

That is so great to have it inside! I love a good soak. Cures just about everything...

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

It looks marvelous my dear! I have a pool in the summer but during the winter I have to settle for my jacuzzi tub....don't get me wrong ya'll, I love it and so do my achin' muscles at the end of a long day here on the Ponderosa!

Enjoy your day sweetie and may God bless it!!!!

Lucy and Ethel said...

I am insanely jealous!! My hubby has wanted one of these forever. I'm not sure we could get away with the swimsuit optional here in the big city ... but ya never know :)


Busy Bee Suz said...

Checkered goes in and out of consciousness? Coach just goes out of it.
I love hot water too...it is the best. Such a luxury.
I am upset that you even mentioned the word swimsuit. I am in denial.

I Am Woody said...

I totally need a hot tub. Wonder if I could get my doctor to prescribe one so insurance would pay?

betty said...

what a great way to find some happiness after the end of a busy day! I'm sure it is very relaxing and soothing and helps you sleep :)

(got the book, thanks, can't wait to read it. I do think some people elevate the status of angels, they are important, but they forget who sends the messengers - angels - know what I mean??)

enjoy the day


kim-d said...

Ahhh! Yeah, baby! I want one of those of my very own. Possibly in the living room. And with the only option being NO bathing suit, EVER. Because it's mine, all mine! :)

Nancy C said...

Oh, no doubt. That sounds heavenly.

Beth Zimmerman said...

Oh My Goodness! That sounds like pure bliss! Go ahead and color me green! Gonna take me awhile to rid myself of spa-envy!

Christy said...

Looks awesome! There are many nights I wish I had a spa to soak in...the little apt bathtup just doesn't work.

w said...

how 'bout if i visit, we make swimsuits mandatory, k?

visiting from leigh's mr. linky!

Unknown said...

Read the first sentence minus the t in this and well, I had to read it again because well, I thought I had been mistaken...which I was. I thought maybe you were REALLY spicing up your blog.

Love some hot water and yes, spa soak can cure all.

Unknown said...

You may find me in your driveway very very soon. We can spend a soak discussing literature and teaching. What a great night that would be!

leigh hewett said...

Pure bliss!
I'm just a little jealous.


I do love some extremely hot water myself. ;o)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

IF ONLY.... gads I am so green...

Unknown said...

My favorite way to relax

Cyndy Bush said...

I'm coming over. So please, keep ya clothes on!!

Sandy said...

A suit ruins the whole affect of a hot tub!

alessandra said...

Hmmm, I'm a bit envious.