Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Happiness Project: Brisket


My sister will soon stop being a Texan and will become a Tennessean - if that's a word. I am very happy because she will be just a 10 hour drive away. And that means that I can go to her house for every holiday we can get together and visit more often. Let's just hope that the Fort Campbell community makes something as wonderful as El Paso's Claude's Barbeque Brisket Marinade Sauce.
I'm going to miss Claude's.
For more happiness, go here.

P.S. Thank-you for the birthday gift, Red. The chocolate bar has already beendonated to those less fortunate eaten.


T said...

Well, you already know how I feel about TN - so it's a good thing!

Mental P Mama said...

This old Tennessean is very happy to hear this! And believe me, the food is much better in Tennessee;)

Lucy and Ethel said...

Hey, Tennessee touches North Carolina!

Maybe Claude's can be ordered online :)

No matter. Yippee to your sister's being closer!



Start stocking up now! ;o)

My Mercurial Nature said...

How nice to have your sister closer by!

One Photo said...

Nice to have your sister close by - all our family are in England and we miss them! I also miss lots of strange things like Stem Ginger Cookies, Thornton's Toffee and much more so anyone who comes to visit knows to bring plenty of supplies of the things I crave!

Unknown said...

How nice to have your sister closer to you!

I Am Woody said...

Yes, it is a word! And I am one:) Where in TN?

Unknown said...

I LOVVEE Tenn. Have never lived there, but would consider it as an option! So glad your sister will be closer to you for more visits! :)
Just stock up on the sauce!

Matty said...

Being close to family is so much nicer. My parents lived in Tennessee for 14 years in the Nashville area.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Those Texans know a thing ot two about brisket!! But I think she will be safely eating in TN as well.
Congrats on her getting closer to you.

Actuary Mom said...

That is so exciting that she'll be closer! I'm am very jealous.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Wait! you can cook brisket?? I need directions! I wished my sister lived closer!

Unknown said...

One of these days I'm gonna go trapsing through Tennessee to see what the hoopla is all about. I'm still trying to figure out Texas!
Pass the salsa.

Teddy Started It said...

OK, my Texan back's up a bit - c'mon folks, don't knock the Lone Star. That said, there's good sauce in TN. And if I had a sister, I think I'd probably do whatever it took to be geographically closer to her -- you know, so we could eat stuff smothered in good sauce together more often. And if yoy're really jonesin' for some Claudes, just let me know...I'm happy to help you out. We're nice like that down here;D

Lora said...

i live in nashville...better start ordering your favorite sauce online! there are a few really good texas bbq places around here, but hard to find. ft campbell might be even more scattered in the true bbq places. most places are memphis bbq, which is pork and vinegar based. not quite the same at ALL.

don't get me wrong--there are many good food places here. just not much authentic texas bbq.

i'm glad she's moving so close by! it's a lovely place to live, i certainly love it here!

Frugal Science Gal said...

I am new to Friday Follow and one of your newest Followers! I look forward to reading your blog and check out my blog! :-)


P.S. I think you're sister is going to miss being a Texas (coming from a girl who has been born and raised Texas) :-)