Monday, April 12, 2010


Someday this

lilac root

will become this:


Someday this

hibiscus root

will become this:


We just wish we knew what this will become someday:

Lisa at Music Man Feb 2010


Mental P Mama said...

LOL...all those things get more beautiful as time goes by;)

I Am Woody said...

Yeah, what she said:)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think we already know...and we all love what it is today!!!

Checkered.loves.Caution said...

Until then, I like what you are.

Julie said...

i love your husbands response... and I say you are the best writer, mom, wife, etc... you rock!

Unknown said...

I like how you saved the best for last! :)

One Photo said...

My daughter is only three and I already wonder what she will do and be when she grows up. It's fascinating to try and imagine. All I really care about of course is that whatever she does she is happy - well OK then, if she chose pole dancing as a career that might upset me a little :-)

Decadent Housewife said...

Just show us a baby picture.

One Savvy Mom! said...

Hi :-)
New Follower here! Following a little late from the Friday Follow! The list is soooo long! You can follow me at
Have a great week!

Nancy C said...

The final shot is hard to top!

betty said...

don't sell yourself short; I think you are a beautiful woman with a good heart and a great looking family :)


Lora said...

ah, those questions.
it will be revealed--there is a plan!
and discovering it is part of the journey :)

Helen McGinn said...

*L* More beautiful, that's what. My garden is such a mess right now but it looks worse before it gets better, right? Right?? ;O)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Love ya just the way you are!

Mrs4444 said...

Oh, you're funny, you cutie pie :) Love you...