Friday, June 4, 2010

FF: Venturing into Thinking

Not having a natural inclination for any thing science, dear Caution has labored without pause to prove some scientific principles for you this week. Pay her well for her troubles, shall you?  (Are you able to discern that Caution has been reading The Hobbit?)

Principle One:
Swimming does, in fact, do an adequate job of substituting for one's bath - if one doesn't look or sniff too closely.

Principle Two:
Some students do feel compelled to share their innermost thoughts with their English teacher by way of introductions following the first class:  "Hi, I'm Ted and I'm gay."  "Hi, I'm Patricia and I think I'm pregnant."  "Hi, I'm Dr. Caution and I'm going home by way of Dairy Queen."

Principle Three:
Young, hungry male children who have played outside all day will indeed lose their appetites when the nicely dressed woman in the next car picks her nose ... and eats every last thing that comes out of her nose.

Principle Four:
A medical visit will not be happy when the doctor greets asthmatic child and his mother by saying, "It's only the beginning of June and he had a flare-up in March, so he can't be having one this soon." 

Principle Four, Part B:
Visit will get worse when doctor puts aside her comment that child is moving very little air, BUT HE HAS A SUNBURN AND MOSQUITO BITES!!!  GOODNESS!! Those things give the doctor CHILLS.

Principle Five:
Some children read in bed or listen to a baseball game.  If one's child is 10 and is texting in bed, that's allowable, too, until the vigilant mother learns that the women on the other side of the texts are 17 and 18.

Principle Six:
If a schoolboy waits until his mother is rushing him out the door - late to school - to empty his backpack for the previous day, there will always be an emergency note requesting that some magnficicent  project or monetary donation be sent in that very day.

Principle Seven:
Harken thyself over to these sites (and it is here that Caution cannot recall if she is to be speaking in King James vernacular or Tolkien...)

Mommy's Idea



and here:


4 Lettre Words said...
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4 Lettre Words said...

Principle 4 is all too familiar! No fun.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs4444 said...

Hang on a second...FIRST day of class? Is that summer school?

OMG-You saw me? I'm mortified!haha

BTW, your comment on my blog about the Shasta camper is my favorite this week, so far. Too funny!

Have a happy weekend :) Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

Swimming does substitue a bath... at least for one day!

Busy Bee Suz said...

In the summer, I try to keep the kids outside at the pool as much as possible. That is the only time of the year their bathroom stays clean.
#3 made me gag.
I love your science.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...


And gasp! to principles 3 and 6!

Anonymous said...

I'm here from Happy Friday Follow! I am now following you. Please check my blog at


Ally said...

wait did you just say a 10-year-old texting a 17-year-old? what to see if she's babysitting him that weekend?

Anonymous said...

What a wirey sense of humor, I love it and your writing style! Hello, I'm here from Java's 40+ blog hop and your newest follower. What an absolutely gorgeous blog look you have here. All happy and bright, wow.

Hope you'll come by my blog and follow me too. You can't have too many too many blogging buddies if you ask me. Smile.


One Photo said...

Hmmm..... an interesting week you have had! Last summer I went to the pool three days running and convinced myself that it was perfectly adequate as a substitute for showering. By day 3 I really didn't need any sun tan lotion either, I had layer upon layer already on my skin still working :-)

I am Harriet said...

Stopping by from Friday-follow and Follow Friday 40 to say hello.
Have a great day!

Christy said...

Absolutely hilarious! I am now following you so lead on.

Beth Zimmerman said...

Cute set of principles ... not sure I want to know how you discovered all of them in one week.

Java said...

You are too funny! I love these!!

Thank you so much for linking up on the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!

I would also like to invite you to join the Over 40 Bloggers Club!! Take a look and join in the fun!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Jientje said...

Loved reading those, except for #3, it made my stomach turn at seven in the morning!Ewww!

Karen said...

Love your principles of thinking. Great post. Dropping by through the FF 40 and over. Hope you have a great weekend.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

ummm yeah!

Anonymous said...

LOL, especially principle #3. Very funny!

Lawyer Mom said...

Principle 3 -- yikes! I hope you didn't witness this.

imbeingheldhostage said...

#4 was really hard to read since I was still gagging on #3. #6 is absolutely true motherhood and #5 made me laugh out loud... and now I'm heading upstairs to take my son's phone away from him.

Messy Mommy said...

Swimming definitely passes as a bath.

Holyoke Home said...

Principal five=ACK!