Saturday, October 23, 2010

Next Stop ~ Purple Belt

He wanted to quit this summer.  There were some things in karate class that got very frustrating.
But a few nights ago, he was shocked when he was spot-promoted to a blue/black belt.
Officially, he's halfway to the black belt now.


Laura ~Peach~ said...

way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cranberry Morning said...

Now there is one cool dude! So worth it to stick with things and not give up!

betty said...

good for him! persistence pays off!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats - that's great for his self-confidence!

Laura Marchant said...

Good for him! How awesome.

Mental P Mama said...

That is awesome!

One Photo said...

Wow! Big achievement!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love it. Kudos !!! Yippe for your boy!