Monday, February 14, 2011

Could you maybe have warned me?

It really might have been nice if you mothers of daughters older than mine could have warned me. Maybe then I might have been prepared. I might have put aside a little energy each energy payday so that my account would have been full. Maybe you could have coached me a little louder from the sidelines or offered me a game plan. But you didn't.
You left me to learn it all on my own and to fight my way through the training, with an occasional wrong turn.

Why didn't you tell me that when a daughter is old enough to go to high school dances, that there would be dress shopping, accessory shopping, hair appointments, nail appointments, boutonniere ordering, picture arrangements, dinner arrangements, and massive housecleaning when the picture arrangements mistakenly happen at MY house?
You might have hinted at the need for the little chats reminding our daughters of their worth and their futures and their values that will outlive this night and this date.
And it would have been okay if you had sent me an email telling me that by the time the doorbell rang, the dad's only job would be to shake the young man's hand while the mom would need two years of sleep to recover - but only after that precious daughter had been safely delivered back to her nicely-cleaned home after her unfairly early curfew.


Lucy and Ethel said...

You survived! Congratulations :)

I didn't warn you because our daughter's first prom was with a group of girls. The Picture was taken on our back deck with the geese honking for extra-special glamorous effects.

Because Favorite Daughter graduated early from high school, she had to find someone willing to get a prom ticket for her. She located a friend of a friend with a friend who was willing to take her... as in, give her a ride. He was a guy, though, and I'm pretty sure there was a flower involved. I never remembered his name, and I'm not sure she ever talked to him again.

Your Favorite Daughter is beautiful!


Busy Bee Suz said...

Seriously, I meant to tell you...I just got so darn busy.
She looks lovely. I hope she had a fantastic time, even if she had to come home at a reasonable hour.

claudia said...

My girls went with groups of girlfriends who all came here to do the beutification of each other. I thought that was great old fashioned fun.
Your daughter is beautiful. You must be proud.

Laura~peach~ said...

i have been blogging for years on what not to do ... since everything I have done apparently has been EPIC FAILS... My heart aches for you but she is sure beautiful and I am sure you have done all the right mom stuff the rest is up to her !!!!

I Am Woody said...

Awww, she looked beautiful! And seriously, if I had known, I would have told you:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for warning me. I will be there before I know it.... better start banking sleep hours and practicing yoga relaxation now... :)

Cranberry Morning said...

or you could have said to the young man, 'Touch her and I'll kill you.' :-)

They grow up WAY TOO FAST!!!

joanne said...

she is beautiful, and confident, and I am sure you have taught her's up to her now. I am sure she is a lovely inside as out and that happened because of you and dad...much love coming your way from a mom who has been there...but with much grayer hair to show for it!!

Kristin - The Goat said...

Haha! You have been initiated!

Brenda Susan said...

Oh man, as the mom of boys we get off pretty easy. She is so adorable, may you survive the next few years!