Dear mothers of young daughters, listen well and heed my advice. Get thyselves to the store where friends are sold. Buy several dozen for your daughter. Do not worry about coupons. Do not try to shop sales. Be willing to pay full price. You must do this today.
You see, one day your little girl will be a teen-ager and she will come home and tell you that she and her boyfriend have parted company. You will think, "Who didn't see that coming?" but you will refrain and instead say, "Great!" Your daughter will gaze at you with eyes bathing in unshed tears, and then she will turn to her girlfriends. They will tell her that he was a:
and any number of more colorful descriptors.
You will try to tell her that these things happen. Her friends will march right up to him while he chats with his friends and demand to know just what he was thinking. They will send him dirty looks at lunch. They will blow-up his Facebook with mean comments.
You will tell her that she is beautiful. They will cry with her and fight over which of them will get to "marry" her so that her Facebook status won't have to say single.
You will assure her that she is talented and strong and ... they will tell her that the cute guy in geometry class likes her.
And later that night, when you spend a little time with the Lord, you will humbly thank him for sending friends such as these into your girl's life.
So sad for her heartbreak. But I am very, very glad that she has such a fantastic support system!!
Oh I remember this. For all of us.....
Hugs to a beautiful, wonderful girl.
Oh, I agree so much.
My daughter is fortunate to have a group of girls just like this. And I'm proud to say, she's also a great friend to have.
So sorry for your daughter's heartbreak!
This is beautiful...as are you and your lovely daughter..;j
awwwww you are soooo smart why did you not think of this when I was the idiot loser mom??? sigh :)
oh wait i am still the idiot loser mom lol....
Oh yes!!!! I know this too.....
Such a good post. I have seen so many times when a girl (or guy) abandons all his friends for an exclusive relationship. When it finally falls apart, as it always does unless it ends in marriage, there's no one to fall back on. SO important to keep those friendships and nurture them!
You're a good mama. ((hugs)) for your baby girl.
Amen to that!
Nothing scarier (For an ex-boyfriend) than a gaggle of girls on attack. :)
That was beautiful. Thank you. I see so many instances of girls being mean to each other that my heart is so happy to see these!
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