Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The heart of the matter

He was not exactly overjoyed when his children dragged him into an especially bad part of the city to adopt a dog. He didn't celebrate when they picked out the sickest, skinniest one there. He didn't even smile when he paid more than anyone should pay for a dying puppy.

When she got healthy, she began to dig craters in his yard and steal more than her share of food from his counters. He now grumbles and rumbles at her, but she knows he's pure marshmallow inside.

And marshmallow is just about her favorite thing in the entire world.


Unknown said...

What a sweetheart she is. And the kids knew exactly what they were doing...picking out the best puppy there!

I la la love it.

Cranberry Morning said...

Love this post! Everyone should consider adopting a dog. They're amazing creations.

claudia said...

One of my dogs, Max I got from a customer at work, because he bites. (his previous owners kids) Anyway, he looks like your dog. (coloring, markings) He has got to be the very best dog we have ever had. And he doesn't bite. (us)

betty said...

how cute!! seems like a perfect fit for your family!


Kelli Nørgaard said...

Amazing how those big tough guys can turn into soft-hearted things in a matter of an instant!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, that is just the sweetest.
I have a feeling that female dogs just FALL head over heals in love with their male "daddy's"!!
Cocoa and the coach have a bond that is amazing...I see you have the same issue.

Mental P Mama said...

Ain't nuthin' better!

Karen Deborah said...

awh so sweet

Mrs4444 said...

For goodness sakes, keep the peeps out of reach this weekend! (loved that first shot, especially :)