Friday, September 9, 2011

All the world's a fragmented thought...

After weeks of lackluster and intermittent blogging, I have returned to Friday Fragments - only to learn from Blogger's new interface that I have not earned one penny from this blog.  That is only slightly more than I earn at my jobs.

  • Greatly related to the previous sentence: the school year has begun and all is temporarily well.  On the first day of Spanish class, a student was bragging to my daughter that she already knew one Spanish word.  The word was aloha.

  • Have you tried this mint water?  I think I like it.  There is also a chocolate mint version, but it is ALWAYS sold out at my Kroger store. 

  • I've been listening to all the news warnings that unoccupied cars will be towed in certain areas in an attempt to thwart a terrorist attack.  Being the driver who must tow those suspicious cars is a job I would not want.

  • In another international warning, don't play Kelli Norgaard in Words with Friends.  She just played an 85 point word against me.  I am intimidated by all you smart people!!  Don't I have any dumb-ish friends who want to play?

  • Aren't you delighted that it's Friday?  I am, but I do wish I had looked down before I left the house this morning.

  • See you all on Monday!!

Mommy's Idea


Cranberry Morning said...

Fun post! Aloha? That gave me a good chuckle. :-) Hope you have a great weekend. By the way, you probably have another pair of flipflops just like that (mirror image, of course). ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL - your last shot just cracked me up. Too funny!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Aloha friend!
I have done the flip flop thing too....great minds...yada yada.
Mint water? not sure about that for me, but it would be great for my Ozzie who has wharf breath!!!

betty said...

LOL with the flip flops! Who knows, this could be a new fashion trend!!


Laura~peach~ said...

can i be your dumb friend on words as I had to go back and see what exactly was the foot issue i thought it was toe paint that needed redone or something... GAH... actually what is the word game thing I am so clueless...
had to smile when i realised it was different floppers... lmao... cute .

Kelli Nørgaard said...

You CRACK ME UP! I was just scrolling down, reading and enjoying ... and then my name pops up! :-)
I feel so famous!!

And now I have to go look up what word that got me all those points! I totally forgot! :-)

Happy Weekend!

Mental P Mama said... can play with me: ctmama

Jeannelle said...

You know...considering the whole scheme of life, what is wrong with wearing mismatched flip-flops? Nothing at all!

I Am Woody said...

I think its a fashion statement - like those mismatched socks they sell now!

Mrs4444 said...

You can play with me (Mrs4444 or my facebook name). I frequently get "That is not a word."

I think I would only like mint water in the summer.

I hope you played it off like you wore those on purpose! :)


Ma What's 4 dinner said...

I want mint water!!! I'm going out to look for that right this second!

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

Holyoke Home said...

Ha!!!! Aloha indeed.

I make at least one wardrobe malfunction per week. Welcome to the club. Being a member is embarrassing, but we have each other.

Kristin - The Goat said...

I don't play words with friends because I can't spell, so I actually might be just the person you were looking to find :)