When I got my driver's license renewed I was sad to see how things have changed since the last time I got my picture taken courtesy of the Michigan Secretary of State. Things are a little wider. A little softer. A little fuller. And that was only my face.
Time to get serious and reexamine exactly what I've been doing to fix the problem.
Plan A: Pepper the PuppyWhen Pepper arrived, I vowed to be the best dog owner ever. She would be pampered. She would be loved. She would go on walks with me every day.
Then winter happened. Pepper is still pampered. She is still loved. But she is pampered and loved from the comfort of my house.
Plan abandoned.
Plan B: The Wii FitOh how I glowed with love when the
Wii Fit joined our family. I was working out daily and had the sore arms to prove it. In no time at all, I was certain to be thin, tight, and ... something else that starts with a "T." Then someone moved the
Wii into the den, and I determined that the den is not a very hospitable place to host the
Plan abandoned.
Plan C (for current): The GazelleWhen I first brought home my Tony Little Gazelle, we were greeted by a host of naysayers. "It's worthless!" "I don't even sweat on it!" "HOW much did you pay for it?" Yes, that's just a portion of what the naysayers said.
After a couple of years of it being moved farther and farther from any room where I might use it, my gazelle was in danger of being listed on Craigslist. Then, the epiphany.
What if... What IF... WHAT IF I forced myself to walk to your computers every day while I blogged? What if I had to physically move in order to visit with you?
I went to the chief naysayer, and because he loves me, he said, "Sure. I'll revamp the Gazelle. Let's build a desktop on it." One trip to Home Depot and a little brain power later,
I present the 2009 model year Gazelle-Pimped:

When I get your computer each day, please have a snack ready. I'm sure to be exhausted after walking all that way.