Fine. Fine. Fine! I'll be an optimist again. To prove it, here are things which have made me happy this week.
10. My child, candidate for Pickiest Eater in the Milky Way, has decided that he likes tomato soup.
9. Checkered is reading a book! (the final Harry Potter)
8. and he sat next to me last night to read it.
7. My youngest boy now prefers the History Channel to Cartoon Network.
6. My child's doctor actually understands not only what I say, but what I don't say.
5. My daughter has been hearing about her friends who have spent the summer smoking and drinking, and she is disgusted.
4. My garden of grand intentions has produced 10 cherry tomatoes AND 5 ears of corn.
3. I return to work next week and I'm ready with completed syllabi and course plans. Okay, fine. I'm not ready, but I will be BECAUSE I'M AN OPTIMIST, OF COURSE!
2. Loving Patrick Taylor's An Irish Country Doctor and An Irish Country Village. I've been thinking in a brogue all week.
1. We will attend a wedding next week for the daughter of my dear friend. That I have not a thing to wear will certainly pale in comparison to the joy of this most unexpected love.
0. I can admit that maybe I lied when I said I was okay with nothing to wear to the wedding.
10. My child, candidate for Pickiest Eater in the Milky Way, has decided that he likes tomato soup.
9. Checkered is reading a book! (the final Harry Potter)
8. and he sat next to me last night to read it.
7. My youngest boy now prefers the History Channel to Cartoon Network.
6. My child's doctor actually understands not only what I say, but what I don't say.
5. My daughter has been hearing about her friends who have spent the summer smoking and drinking, and she is disgusted.
4. My garden of grand intentions has produced 10 cherry tomatoes AND 5 ears of corn.
3. I return to work next week and I'm ready with completed syllabi and course plans. Okay, fine. I'm not ready, but I will be BECAUSE I'M AN OPTIMIST, OF COURSE!
2. Loving Patrick Taylor's An Irish Country Doctor and An Irish Country Village. I've been thinking in a brogue all week.
1. We will attend a wedding next week for the daughter of my dear friend. That I have not a thing to wear will certainly pale in comparison to the joy of this most unexpected love.
0. I can admit that maybe I lied when I said I was okay with nothing to wear to the wedding.
-1. The Boy Scout now has all his badges on. Thank-you very much, Miss A Corgi and Betty (why didn't you tell me your new blog was up????) for telling me to take the sewing machine out of the box and read the directions watch the dvd. Now on to the Cub Scout shirts and brag vests.
-2. Thank-you, Miss Chesapeake Bay Woman, for the suggestion. It turns out that Checkered is a sewing maniac. 
I had such fun "sewing the seeds of love" with you yesterday. Let's sew some more tonight! Drapes?
Hmmmm. I was all busy thinking of something cute to say. But Checkered? He has rendered me speechless! Happy sewing;)
Checkered, I think I liked you better when you couldn't post comments.
That is pretty cool that your son now prefers History Channel over Cartoon Network.
I feel for your daughter. I remember hearing of gross things my friends did, and then all of a sudden I couldn't look at them the same. I was a wild child, though, so the things my friends did were BAD to shock me.
I love this possitivity!!! (is that a word?) My youngest also decided recently that she likes tomato soup...so cool. I love a man that can sew. The coach was taught by his mom very early on...me? not so much.
My garden (or the two tomato plants in Topsy Turveys) has died a tragic death. The rabbits have eaten all my tomatoes and the plants are shriveled and sad.
I should never buy living plants.
My Cdub can sew too!
Little T is a tomato soup lover.
At least you got something from your garden!
School starts when?????
OMG!! He reads AND sews?!?!?!? Wow, i'm speechless.
Love the little history buff. :)
Sounds like a GREAT bunch! I don't even like Tomato Soup...I do LOVE the History Channel, tho! :o)
OMG! You are my long lost sister! I, too, have a picky son who loves tomato soup (and ketchup though he maintains that he hates tomatoes) AND I have a sewing machine in my closet that I have NEVER PLUGGED IN! okay, you've got me on that one...
Your blog is lovely!
thanks for the shout-out! that sewing machine looked good on the table! nice to see even hubby getting involved in it!
awesome with your list of 10 (11 but who's counting?) Got some great things on there, kids reading, kids learning, and kids realizing its stupid to drink and party all the time; you are raising great kids for sure! pat yourself on the back, mom!
and enjoy your weekend :)
History Channel over the Cartoon Channel? I prefer Cartoon myself & I'm 37!! hehe!!!
Look at your daughter disgusted by those things... big HIGH FIVE to her!
Congrats for being positive! I don't have any clothes to wear to weddings or anything dressy and I always go into panic mode - I'm glad you aren't panicking.
Your list made me happy. I love it when people are aware of things that are going well in their lives.
The sewing pictures are very sweet.
So there is hope for a picky eater? Say it is so, yippee!!
Glad that your daughter finds that stuff gross, it is a very good thing.
And those pictures are very impressive, I wouldn't know what to do with one of those machines :).
Love the list...great idea! And nice optimism, too. :) That's so cute that your son likes the history channel. And I need to learn to sew SOOOOOO bad!! Can I borrow the dvd? :)
The History Channel is my favorite channel, too!
Wow! It's GORGEOUS in here! Loved your cheerful fragments. Happy to see Checkered at work--such a cutie! Wish I could lend you a dress :)
Off to get rid of this WICKED headache...
It sure sounds like you had one incredible week (with the exception of the wedding outfit!)! Happy Friday! :-)
Your garden still produced more than mine. I'm so upset over mine....and you look back and think about time and money spent...and it makes a gal get mad!!
This was fun :)
And, yes, Checkered can read, sew, and leave comments, can't he?!?!?
Heh heh.
That is a great list of happy things! I love that your son's new favorite channel is the History Channel *L* We pay extra for our cable so we can get that and National Geographic... we don't watch most of the others in that package!
Good for you to get out the sewing machine immediately and not wait a year!!! And checkered wants to sew drapes now AND he's reading a book? I would think my husband had been taken over by aliens if those 2 things happened in my house.
Don't worry about your outfit for the wedding. It seems if anything goes these days!
Love the positive attitude!
My husband also loves sewing... just as well, as I can't.
Hey my husband is like that too! Cookie decorating, sewing buttons on and patching holes in his pants are big fun to him. Go figure.
Good luck getting ready to go back to work!
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