We have flowers in Michigan!! Not in my yard, but that's where living next door to a gardener is an advantage.
The copy cat recipe I followed for Olive Garden's Minestrone soup did not produce anything resembling in taste, texture, or appearance the soup served at the restaurant.

Have you ever used Vicks on your feet at night to relieve congestion? My son's snoring was loud enough to awaken half the household the other night and I wonder if the Vicks would help.
Thanks to the work of Facebook I feel quite caught up with many high school friends and now am debating if I really should even go to my reunion this summer. It's as though I've learned just about everything I might have wanted to know about my former classmates.
A few days ago I received a most unexpected compliment from a most unexpected source. It felt great. It still feels great - so much so that I am going to make a true effort to do that for other people more often.
Our favorite local ice cream place is open and we're headed there this week-end. I very maturely suggested to Mr. Weight Watchers that we share some ice cream since he is ever so fanatical about maintaining his weight loss. "Heck, no!" he said. "I'm getting my own!" That's a grand decision.

I don't care what they say about Prell shampoo stripping hair of color/nutrients/moisture/its emotions/it bank account/and credit history. I still love it. (Do you remember that little squeeze bottle? I do!)
There is a small oven burn on my arm. It is healing now but has an interesting and exceptionally pink color to it. There is a student in my class who has two phobias: blood and public speaking. This week she had to give a presentation during class, and don't you know it? She looked at my healing burn while she was talking. Yup. You're right. She got sick to her stomach and had to leave class.
This post has been brought to you by my number one confessor: Friday Fragments
and my number one ego booster: Friday Follow.
Happy Friday Follow and congratulations on being our Friday Follower of the Week!
happy Friday follow... I now Follow... Congratulations on winning FF of the Week...
My Two Blogs..
Happy Mom Of 5
Chrissy's World Of Books
I'm so sorry to hear about the accident and even more so that there is squabbling going on. I think folks are so uncomfortable with the death of a child (well, any accidental death, for that matter, as it means something could happen to THEM) that they feel compelled to 'rationalize,' which tends to lead to the blame game. How old was the boy? Does the family have other children? If so, how old are they? Sending prayers.
On a brighter note, thanks for reminding me about Prell in the tube!!!
And your student's experience... poor girl. Public speaking itself is sufficient torture :)
Neat collection of thoughts!
Happy FF! I am following your blog now. If you would like to stop by mine, it is http://www.momswearyourtees.blogspot.com
I'm praying for this family! Blaming will not change what has happened. :(
As to Friday Follow:
This is great! I am, of course, only participating because I like the blogs I am now following, thanks to the Friday Follow link up!
I'm praying for this family! Blaming will not change what has happened. :(
As to Friday Follow:
This is great! I am, of course, only participating because I like the blogs I am now following, thanks to the Friday Follow link up!
Hello! I am Ashley. I followed you from Follow Friday. I am sorry to hear about the tragedys this week in your neighborhood. Recently I learned that a Father killed his son and than himself a few nights ago. Its really sad.
So, so, true. Who needs reunions now that we have Facebook, ha!
Sorry to hear about the accident and even sorry to hear about the finger-pointing. Not cool.
I'm a Follow Friday virgin but seems you are the lucky number 4, congrats! I'm your new biggest follower.
I am stopping by from Friday Follow. Have a nice day.
I am SO sorry about the loss of a young life. Something like that can really put things into perspective. A good friend of mine recently lost her 7yo daughter to leukemia. Such heartbreak. I wonder how do you ever go on.
Happy Friday Follow...I'm your newest follower! You can visit/follow me at www.momsbalancingact.com
I adore Olive Garden's Minestrone soup!!! :)
Happy Friday Follow! :) I'm your newest follower :)
Hi, from Friday Follow!
Hi there! You have a great blog! Congrats on being Follower of the Week! I am following you now too!
Stopping by from Friday Follow; new follower here.
Drop by my blog if you can; two great giveaways going on.
Happy FF! I'm your newest follower...congrats on the coveted 4th spot!!
Pop in and see me sometime! (Did I mention I have giveaways?)
Happy Friday Follow! LOVE your blog design!! Hipe I'll see you back at my blog, Lollypops and Lizards!
Hi, I'm your newest Friday follower!
Come visit me at Mom-et-al.com
so sorry to hear about the tragic accident..my hearts go out to the family..
Friday following. Love your blog. Have a lovely weekend.
Congrats on being FF of the Week! I'll have to try the NFF :)
following from fff. i'm italian don't worry i wouldn't eat olive gardens minestrone anyway..lol. i should give you my recipe!
Thanks for exposing me to Friday Fragments. Looks like a new one for me to try soon!
Glad you got #4 spot - can't wait to hear more from you.
I'm following you from Friday Follow!
Maggie at tethered mommy dot com
Happy Friday Follow. I'm your newest follower.
I have vague memories of Vicks being rubbed on my chest as a young child but never on the feet.
Happy FF :-)
Happy Friday follow! I'm your newest follower!
Congrats on being the Friday Follower of the Week! I was already a follower!
Happy Friday Follow! You have a great blog! Sorry about the death of the young boy..I pray for peace for his family...something no parent should ever have to experience..I guess people finger point because they are scared and angry and sad, and don't know how to process the emotions...doesn't make it right though! Have a great weekend!! Good luck with the ice cream.. :) It is mine weakness...
I remember Prell. I didnt know they still made it. I'm so in the dark. And I dont share ice cream either! Hmmm maybe I should!
Have a great weekend Caution!
That is very sad about the death of the boy--the poor parents.
And since you asked, I had my very congested daughter put Vicks on just last night! Yes, it helped tremendously. My Grandma said the key is the wool socks and Grandmas are alway right.
I should definitely try the Vicks remedy on myself, I have been sick with this darn cold for almost a week and nothing is helping. Happy Friday Follow and congrats on winning the FF of the week. I am a new follower and also from Michigan! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi! I am here from FF! I am excited to have found you! If you have a chance, pop by my blog. We are helping a baby girl in China (who is an orphan right now) to get her life saving heart surgery so she can have a chance to find a family!!!!
I am here from FF Congrats on being #4!!!!!
Happy friday! I am your newest follower. Hope to see you by my blog
Melissa @ Life On sunshine Street
I've dealt with nerves-induced vomit as well. I come prepared on speech day now.
Congratulations on the coveted #4 spot for the Friday Follow. Your fragments were funny. I don't write like that as a general rule, but I am now thinking abou giving it a whirl ~ at least once. You should always try something once, so long as it won't kill you. I don't think this qualifies, so I should definitely try it. I LOVED your Michigan hand post. I grew up in Ohio, but went to college at Hope College, in Holland, MI. Every time I asked someone where they were from, I got "the hand." It was HILARIOUS. When I came back home, and got together with my friends and/or met up with high school acquaintances, they would ask, "Where is Holland?" Guess what I did? I gave them the hand. They looked at me like I landed from Mars. Tooooo funny.
Anyway, love your stuff. Now, I am following YOU!
Happy Follow Friday! This is my first Follow Friday Celebration!!
I'm following you...hope you can follow me back too!
Happy Friday Follow!
I forgot all about prell.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of a child in your area...so hard to swallow that pill.
Your student made me laugh...sorry, people with weak stomachs are such sissies. :)
How did the vicks work?
Don't you hate it when people ask you to 'follow' them? I do. I am so brazen these days....
Stopping in from Friday Follow...I'm now a follower!
Have a GREAT day!
Happy Friday follow! I'm now following you!
Look at you, girl! Wooohooo!
Sorry for the family tragic lost and sorry there is so much nameblame going on with it. So sad.
Enjoy the ice cream! Sounds wonderful.
FF! You can find me here! http://amomstake.blogspot.com/
Nice to meet you. I saw you on Follow Me Friday.
I hope things smooth out in your neighborhood soon.
Happy Friday Follow!! I am a new follower.
LOVED PRELL! And also Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific.
Prell not only came in that opaque, Crest-like squeeze tube, but it also came in a bottle with a narrow neck and a flared bottom - sort of like one of those bottles of chianti that they stick candles in at an Italain restaurant, except without the candle and the wicker at the bottom, and without ever holding wine, and a lot smaller. In other words, not really at all ilke that.
But still I LOVED Prell. And honestly: what shampoo doesn't strip hair of its color and moisture and qualities that make it look human, especially after one reaches a certain age? Might as well use Prell and rub a rabbit's foot because you never know what the hair is going to do, up to and including fall out.
I hate getting old.
Thanks for the memories...Prell. Thank you.
Use vicks! It really works! I use it on my boys all the time! Anyways, I am so sorry about the tragic loss in your area. It is never easy when someone leaves so young.
Following you via FF. Have a great weekend!
Its hard when a child is involved, and I think we all rationalize, because we feel the pain of the parents and dont know how to make it better, so we rationalize.
By the way great blog
So sorry to hear about the accident....
I'll have to try Vicks on my feet tonight...heard of it but never tried it. Got a slight cold going on...
...of course with my hot flashes, is Vicks on the feet a good idea? :-)
Visiting from Friday frags..
Have a great weekend!
The loss of a child by any means is sad and tragic. I will pray for Him to wrap the family in his love and peace.
Did someone say Ice Cream??
Your newest follower from Friday Follow! I am cracking up about your post about FB. I too am reconsidering making the haul for my reunion due to the fact that I already know how fat, bald and depressing everyone is now:( fb sucked all the joy out of it.Please come visit me back!
I just heard the news and am heartsick for Hallie. So, no witty comment today; just wanted to stop by.
I'm so sorry for your friend (and you). (hugs)
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