Thursday, August 5, 2010

And I Don't Even Like Horses

Dear Wyoming,

I love you. Seriously.  With all my heart. I know I married Michigan, and it's been good to me, but I dream about you constantly and what we could be together.  Well, I mean in the summer anyway.  I long for your vastness, your rugged terrain,  your enormous sky.  So I spend my backseat riding time perusing real estate ads and I've learned what I really want is a ranch. That I can't afford one and would have no idea what to do with one notwithstanding, I still dream.  I've even taken to writing our initials on the backs of brochures:  CF + WY.

Yeah,  I've got it bad

Love you!


PS Don't worry about Checkered finding out about us.  He's lost his heart to a little place called Colorado.


Mental P Mama said...

Wyoming and Montana are among my favorites.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Being in love is good thing!

Christy said...

I lived in Saratoga WY. I still dream about going back to stay. Next in line would be Colorado. Lived there too and would take that if I couldn't do Wyoming. I fully understand.

Big Hair Envy said...

Home on the Range?

I Am Woody said...

I just love big sky....

I Am Woody said...

I found a house for us in Jackson Hole. It is just $12.75 mil.

Cranberry Morning said...

This is a great post! :-D And all it will take is watching a herd of wild horses running across the terrain and you will be smitten with them too.

Have you considered counseling? ;-) lol

Unknown said...

Love this post.

Nancy C said...

I always check out the real estate ads while traveling, and dream of the life I could have in another world, another life.

One Photo said...

One of my favorite vacations of all time was our last pre-Mirabelle, when we went to Montana and drove down through Wyoming to Yellowstone. The scenery is just stunning and I loved it all. Glad you are having a lovely time, if you buy that ranch I will come and help you get organized, no fees necessary :-) Hope the birthday boy has recovered!

joanne said...

Caution's in love...;p

Matty said...

I know the feeling. I'm in love with the hills of the Carolinas. I just keep wishing.

Katie said...

That's awesome! Love it. Me and the Mr. are thinking of heading out there next summer to scope things out...entertaining the possibilities of a long-term move to Montana in the 5 yr plan...

claudia said...

I want to be there too! A girl can dream ya know? And I LOVE horses...

Kelli Nørgaard said...

Definitely a state I need to experience!

Mrs4444 said...

Wyoming looks HOT. Is it?